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Recommendations of nutritionists to prevent Covid-19

Drink plenty of fluids at least 6 to 8 glasses a day

Increase daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables with different colors (at least 2 medium fruits and 3 glasses of raw vegetables or one and a half glasses of cooked vegetables such as carrots, spinach, celery, cabbage, etc.)

Replacing white breads with whole grain breads such as stone bread and barley bread

Replacing white rice with brown rice and increasing legume consumption (at least 3 to 4 times a week)

Reduce sugar consumption (syrups and jams, industrial juices, soft drinks, etc.)

Reduce consumption of salt and high-salt foods (chips, puffs, snacks, canned food, etc.)

Reduce consumption of high-fat foods, fast foods, fried foods, animal and solid oils, etc.)

Use healthy cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, roasting instead of frying

Other recommendations:

Increase physical activity, adequate and quality sleep, avoid smoking and other tobacco, avoid alcohol, strengthen social relationships to prevent depression and stress caused by quarantine by following health guidelines